How '3 Steps Home' helps my children
While the majority of the '3 Steps Home' approach focuses on our own inner work, the impact on our children can be mind blowing! I first started to explore how my state influenced my child, when my eldest was a few days old, 15 years ago (eeek!).
My eldest didn't sleep much for the first year or so. I had quite a long labour, and didn't sleep at all for about 3 days, so quickly exhaustion set in for me. I also noticed how my mood was reflected back to me so quickly by my tiny baby. I realised t…
What inspired '3 Steps Home'?
I loved writing my first book Gifts from the Heart of the Storm. It was so helpful for me to have a focus on the process of self-publishing while two of my children were so incredibly unwell. One had leukaemia and one had anorexia.
It was an excruciatingly difficult time for our whole family, and it took every ounce of my knowledge about how to take care of myself to find a way through each day. It also took a tremendous amount of surrender, of letting go and letting God, as there were so many …
The principles behind '3 Steps Home'
The intention of 3 Steps Home is to help people to connect with themselves, connect with their inner child, and to connect with the bigger picture, the universe or Great Spirit - however people describe that.
Whatever is going on, no matter how bad things get, when we connect with fully with ourselves, we are in a better position to respond to what is going on. We can make better choices and we can find new approaches that we may not have been able to explore before.
When we use neuroscience to lo…
What has been happening?
What has been happening? It's a good question. Life has been so busy, and while there has not been lots of space, there have been things bubbling away in the background!
Thomas finished his chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia in May of this year. That was a massive milestone. It took another 3 months or so for him to stop being sick. That was another big milestone! My two other children started in new schools in September and I look up from my daze to see that the festive season is rapidly app…
Festive flow and a free healing journal
Dear amazing parent,
How are you holding up? Probably a few more days to go until the end of term. That's great for some people and really challenging for others.
In our family it is mixed. One is counting down the seconds until they can walk out of that school gate for a few weeks, while another is already upset that they are going to miss their friends over the break.
We do what we can. We can never make everything perfect for everyone - no matter how much we try - and that's ok.
We can ta…
Support for the summer
Summer Support
On a pay what you can afford basis
Summer holidays are not always as straightforward for us parents with children who experience the world differently.
The holidays can feel tough, with more time to fill, feeling longer when things are challenging.
I’ve been feeling into what would be helpful for parents this summer, as well as what is actually possible for me to coordinate over the summer, considering my own children have some pretty intensive needs themselves.
Based on work…
What if we are exactly the ones our children need?
What if we are exactly the ones our children need?
I know when I was feeling completely exhausted, at the end of my tether, out of ideas and like I had tried everything I could think of, this was a very difficult idea.
How could I possibly be what my children needed? I spent quite a bit of time thinking the universe had got it completely wrong.
There is that saying ‘you only get what you can cope with’ and I kept thinking ‘this is completely impossible. I’m the wrong person for this job!’
Introducing Emotional First Aid Course
I’m really excited to be launching my first course in nearly 2 years!
This has been a long time in the planning and organising. I’d love to know what you think!
- Feeling overwhelmed?
- Finding day to day parenting a challenge?
- Been through a difficult time or still in the middle of it and not sure where to turn?
This is the start of your healing journey, giving you all the tools and support you need to stop the chaos and start living with peace, power and purpose.
This course will give yo…
Your opportunity to take part

We have lift off!